Grade 8th Math / Geometry

Grade 8th Math / Geometry

$ 45.00

Prerequisite: Students taking this course should have completed Algebra I. Students must do the homework and pre-study assigned sections before the classes.

Instructor: Kate Kao

Spring session: 1/7 – 6/3, Tue 5:00-6:00 PM / $45 per class

Fall session: 8/19-12/17, Mon & Tue 5:00-6:00 (15 / 17 Classes) / $45 per class

Summer session: 6/18 – 8/8 (15 classes) / Tue, Thu 1:00-2:00 PM / $40 per class

SKU: N/A Category:


Course Description: This course covers the basics of a first-year Geometry course. The main ideas covered include proofs, congruence, similarity, coordinate geometry, constructions, properties of plane figures (area, perimeter, angles, polygons…), conjecture, problem-solving, basic trigonometry, and some review of algebra skills. A scientific calculator is required.

Prerequisite: Students taking this course should have completed Algebra I. Students are required to do the homework and to pre-study assigned sections before the classes.

Instructor: Kate Kao

Grade 8th Syllabus / Geometr

Additional information


1/7 – 6/3, 8/19 – 12/17